Thursday, August 7, 2008

Steely Dan - Green Earrings - Fat Camp Scratch Re-edit

I'll be the first to admit that I don't know a thing about Steely Dan as they've never really been on the radar. I know they're favourites with just about every bearded wonder out there but I've just never had the desire to pick up and album for some reason. I've seen Aja in bargain bins and always thumbed past it as I seem to have some ingrained irrational anti-Steely Dan tendencies from where I couldn't tell you. Maybe it is time that I put the effort in and ponied up for an album or two but I wouldn't really know where to start, so any tips would be greatly appreciated but bear in mind that if this is the cream of the crop then I'll probably just leave it here, I'm kind of silly that way sometimes. Anyway this re-edit is absolutely ace and I have no idea if it is true to the original or not but it does seem like the type of thing that would make people go absolutely radio rental on a dancefloor near you. I quite like it actually.

Steely Dan - Green Earrings - Fat Camp Scratch Re-edit


Anonymous said...

Definitely start with "Aja" and Fagan's solo album "The Nightfly."

chris keys said...

marc, i cant imagine what's stopping u, steely dan are easily one of the greatest things to happen to music, a great story too.. anyway it's probably a bit too fm for you or something. Aja is the one to start with, but being a fan i recommend them all, as always, especially the early albums...

Marc Kets said...

Right, so I bought a sealed copy of Aja today for a whopping $2.99. The guy in the record store promised me that it is 'magical'.