What is on your stereo at the moment?
Baris K Eurasia mixes part 1 & 2 - amazing music! David Axelrod - Heavy Axe, History Clock - Gamma Model (on my pc)
3 records that changed your life. Why?
Adam and the Ants - Kings of the Wild Frontier - I was 8, and obsessed.
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Two Tribes - first 12 I bought
Sabres of Paradise - Smokebelch - drugs!
What are you looking forward to?
The summer and some nice Suono parties.
What couldn't you live without? Why?
My kids, Albie & Renie, nuff said!
Most memorable gig?
Playing records with Antony Daly is generally always an experience! We uphold the highest standards of professionalism!
Pavement very early 90's at the Riverside was one of the best gigs I've seen, or Dee Dee Bridgewater a couple of years ago was fantastic, amazing woman.
Who/what are your influences?
Was always into what Weatherall does, haven't listened to his music for years, but always liked his attitude. I skated for years, and have always been into what Mark Gonzales does.
What is the best and worst thing about the city that you live in?
The coastline and countryside round Newcastle are great, musically it's a pain in the arse to promote things here, very conservative tastes, with not many venues to go round. If I see another 'underground house' night spring up I might just kill myself.
Given the accelerated pace of modern culture, what are we due a revival in?
Late 90's dad house?
Hero? Why?
Not sure I've got any, bit old for heroes.
Is there anything else that you feel that we should know?
Suono Sundays, Sunday 4th of May at the Tanners, Byker 5-12 come early it's the best bit!!
Dan runs Suono with Tony, and together they have been throwing irregular parties in the Toon since 2004 when they kicked off with no less than Greg Wilson behind the wheels and since then they have gone on to throw various mini riots up and down Newcastle with the likes of A Certain Ratio, the Idjuts and the 20:20 Soundsystem. Since 2005 they have made the Tokyo Bar their home away from home on Sundays and people such as Danny Webb, Moonboots, Kelvin Andrews, Phil Mison and Ashley Beedle have come down and joined in the seven hours of revelry and boozin'. Suono also hosts a room at Error_ where they've brought Phil Mison and Balearic Mike up to Newcastle, to play old disco records to a crowd of young modern house and techno heads.
Dan can always be relied upon to dig through the record bargain bins for lost treasures and the mix that he has done for the One Hundred Project is indicative of this.
Letta Mbulu - Pula Yetla
Corduroy - In a Galaxy (wrong speed)
Mudd edit
Neil Merryweather - Step in the Right Direction
Athon - Le Feuok
Blo - Dont take her away... (Akwaaba mix)
Black Viking - Body Work
Hypertension - One Night Woman
Space Girl (Dancing Girl edit)
Timmy Thomas - Why (Pressure Drop)
Download the mix here.
oooh this looks very nice, on the download - thankyou
it turns out its a lot more than nice - loving this
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